Rating: 3.5 stars
Cover Rating: 3 stars (meh)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: October 1, 2006
Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books
Page Count: 491 p.
Bindy Mackenzie is an over-achiever, but doesn't really realize it. She tries hard and gets good grades etc. and that's all that she cares about. Her parents tend to leave her on her own and she doesn't really have any friends except for Ernst von Schmerz. She has her school days completely mapped out until they introduce the new FAD (Friendship and Development) class. Here she is forced to miss study hall and interact with students who she describes as venomous. On top of this disgrace, someone wants to kill Bindy, and Bindy doesn't know who or why. Told in notes, memos, letters and philosophical musings The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie will keep you guessing until the end.
I was hoping this book to be as utterly amusing as The Year of Secret Assignments, and was thoroughly disappointed. Though at times this book was quite funny it didn't have quite the humor of the aforementioned title. I guess the big difference is the people telling the story, Bindy just simply isn't all that hilarious, and since she doesn't really have any buddies they could not be hilarious for her. I will say that this book did leave me wondering about what was going to happen until the end, a very good mystery. I did not like Bindy's father though he was a jerk. I am disappointed that Bindy did not notice what a jerk he was and instead admired him. I liked that this novel takes place in Ashbury school yet again, so I recognized some of the characters from The Year of Secret Assignments and Feeling Sorry for Celia. This book was enjoyable although not as good as TYOSA, so I suggest to read this only if you feel like knowing more about the fruity character Bindy that you read about in TYOSA.
First Line:
"I have never spoken to Bindy, but I am sure that behind her extremely annoying personality she is a beautiful human being."
Favorite Line:
"No offense, but someone needs to arrange a slow and painful death for you, Bindy."
Haha those sentences are funny. I read the Secret Year of Assignments and really liked it, and I wanted to read this one too. Sorry you didn't like it that much; I probably won't be reading it anytime soon.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read the Year of Secret Assignments even though it's been on my amazon.com wish list, forever. This one sounds really cute, and I think I'll defiantly have to hit the buy button now. Great review!