Rating: 3.5 stars (a good summer read)
Cover Rating: 4 stars (I like the color green they used and the anxiety expressed by the girl rubbing her neck, the flower is a little lame though.)
Genre: Young Adult Fiction
Publication Date: April 24, 2007
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Lauren is dating Dave. Let's review that shall we Lauren (a nobody) is dating Dave (the somebody, the football star the Mr. Popular). Her best friend is Katie who is dating Dave's best friend Marcus. Lauren doesn't have a mom she left when Lauren was young. Her dad has been trying to fill that gap with girlfriend after girlfriend, but he just can't seem to make it work. One of these relationships was with a woman named Mary and included her son Evan. Like all the others Mary left soon after moving in. Now many moons later Lauren gets sat next to none other than Evan who has just come back from wherever it is he's been all these years. Seeing him Lauren starts to feel for him things she doesn't understand and most certainly never felt when she was with Dave. Even though everyone says that she and Dave are "perfect" together, Lauren just feels like a big liar, a big fake who is just going through the motions with kind, sensitive caring, Dave. Now for the first time Lauren has to decide what she wants and she has to make it so.
Okay, so I did enjoy this book, it was light and funny and at the same time touched upon some basic teen issues. I felt like Lauren was a genuine person, a real teen with a real teen dilemma. However, I didn't feel like the plot went anywhere for the first half of the book. Each chapter seemed to just be the same thing just different words and a few extra details. Nothing really happened. Though this did hamper my reading a bit, it did not deter me because it was still light enough to be enjoyable. I definitely recommend this to girls for the summer. It's a fast, delectable read that I think most girls will be ale to relate to. So yeah read it, you'll love it.
P.S. how could you not love a guy who loves animals (a female cat named Joe puh-lease, I'm melting)
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